Going ‘Round in Circles – Finished!!

Finally!! Because going ’round in circles is what I’ve been doing with this mosaic, it’s taken me so long. I’ve sat for the last few days trying to decide on grout colour – the last decision to be made for this piece. What a relief that is! I had decided to do a bright light blue, but my daughter’s reaction to that idea made me rethink, so purple (violet to be exact…) was the colour I went with.

Ji’s fascinated with me mixing grout. It’s a very interesting process!

This mosaic hasn’t flowed; well, not that anything creative ‘flows’ from me, hahaha, but this one’s been like pulling teeth! And after all that umming and ahhing, I could kick myself for forgetting that the colour shade lightens quite a bit once it’s dry, so the purple grout isn’t nearly as bright as I’d intended it to be. But each mosaic is a learning opportunity, and overall I’m happy with it.

I much prefer to use my hands grouting, but it can be a hazard when you’re working with sharp or pointy tiles. I upgraded to washing up gloves but they’re still not enough protection, scoring myself another decent cut while grouting around the small tiles surrounding the flower. Normally cuts on my fingers bleed like mad but the grout does a great job keeping that blood inside me instead. Luckily I use sanitised grout! Doctor’s just haven’t seen how effective it is at preventing bleeding or they’d be using it all the time. A serious thought though – maybe I should buy another pair of gloves used when cutting glass and re-purpose them as grouting gloves? Hmmm. I’ve spent more than the cost of gloves on bandaids to date, so probably worth a shot.

Anyway, I’m glad to have this one finished, and to be thinking about my next project – another picture frame. I have a vague idea of my design, which is how most of them begin!

Happy Christmas 🙂

6 thoughts on “Going ‘Round in Circles – Finished!!

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        1. I’ve seen that too, and did that with the pineapple. It was pretty nerve wracking lol, but I’d love to get rid of those nerves and play around with coloured grout a lot more.
          What was the name of the blogger? I’d love to read the article! 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          1. I’ll go through all my comments and likes and see if I can find it.

            I am going to make some mockups using white grout and then experiment by painting the grout. I need to buy some ACrylic paints but as I am having difficulty walking at the moment it is not just a matter of popping to the shops… more a major expedition.

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Thank you, but only if it’s not too much of a hassle, don’t worry too much!

              That’s a great idea. I tried painting grout once, was a total disaster but I painted completely dry grout and the paint just wiped straight off. Plus I painted white grout black – probably not the best!
              I’ve seen a YouTube video on painting grout, but should try again using lighter colours, and on grout that hasn’t fully set.

              I’d love to see your mockups if you can get some paints. I bought a few to have a go, then was put off by my disaster, but you’ve inspired me to try again 🙂

              I’m really sorry to hear about your troubles walking. I hope it’s just temporary and you can get back on your mobility back.

              Liked by 1 person

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